

The player with the most points at the end of a round wins. If multiple rounds are played, add the round scores together.


Each player takes turns (or if you have enough dice, plays simultaneously). On a turn, roll all the dice. You may then set aside any number of dice (including none or all) and roll the others. Each turn consists of up to three such rolls. After that, you mark down your score in one category (see below).


Category Score
Aces The total value of dice showing 1
Twos The total value of dice showing 2
Threes The total value of dice showing 3
Fours The total value of dice showing 4
Fives The total value of dice showing 5
Sixes The total value of dice showing 6
One pair If you have a pair of dice of the same rank, score the sum of those dice values
Two pair If you have two pairs of dice, score the sum of those dice values
Three of a kind If you have three dice of the same rank, score the sum of those dice values
Four of a kind If you have four dice of the same rank, score the sum of those dice values
Small straight If you have the combination 1-2-3-4-5, score 15 points
Large straight If you have the combination 2-3-4-5-6, score 20 points
Full House If you have a set of three and a pair of a different value, score the sum of all dice values
Yatzy If you have five dice of the same rank, score 50 points
Chance Score the sum of all dice values


If, at the end of the round, the sum of all scores from the categories Aces, Deuces, Threes, Fours, Fives, and Sixes is at least 63, take an extra 50 points.

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