One Hundred Rum


The first dealer gives each player a seven-card hand (or 10 in the case of a two-player game), flips one card up to begin the discard pile, and sets the rest of the cards facedown to form the stock


The first player to reach 100 points wins


To begin a turn, you must draw a card from either the top of the stock or from the discard pile. You then may lay down any valid melds on the table. Runs of sequential cards of the same suit and sets of the same rank are valid melds. All melds must be at least three cards, and runs cannot “wrap around the corner,” (K-A-2 is not a valid meld). Not that aces may be either low or high. You may also play cards that add to other people’s melds, such as a card extending a run, onto the table directly in front of you to make sure that you get the points for it. You may only do this if you have laid down at least one meld. At the end of your turn, you must discard one card. Discard so that the ranks of all previous cards in the discard pile are still visible.

If you wish, you may draw a card from the discard pile that is not the topmost. You must immediately play that card, and you also must add all the cards that were discarded more recently to your hand.

Ending a Hand

The round ends when someone runs out of cards. You always must discard, even on the turn you go out. Points on the table are positive, points in the hand are negative. The player who went out gets 5 extra points.

Card Value
A 3 points
10-K 2 points
2-9 1 point
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