
This is an easy trick-taking game with the interesting twist of trying to receive as few tricks as possible


The dealer deals one standard deck of cards (without jokers) to the four players, giving each a 13-card concealed hand.


Once players receive their hands, they pass three cards to the player to their left. Each round, they pass to a different player, as shown below. This scheme repeats as many times as necessary.

Round Pass Direction
1 Left
2 Right
3 Across
4 No passing

After passing, play consists of a series of tricks. The player with the two of clubs leads with that card. Players must follow suit if they are able. There is no trump. Hearts cannot be led until they have been "broken," which means that someone has already played hearts in a trick not led by them. The highest card played in the leading suit takes the trick. That player sets the cards aside in front of them and leads the next trick.


Once all cards have been played, players score the total points in the cards that they took during the round. Hearts are worth one point each, and the queen of spades is worth 13 points. Therefore, the total of all scores for a round should be 26. If a player scores all 26 points alone, then they receive no points and all the other players receive 26 points. This is known as "shooting the moon."

Rounds are played until at least one player has at least 100 points. When that happens, the person with the lowest score wins the game.


Three Players: Remove the two of diamonds from the deck. Deal each player 17 cards instead of 13. The passing sequence is left, right, no pass.

Five Players: Remove the two of diamonds and the two of clubs from the deck. Deal each player 10 cards instead of 13. The passing sequence left, right, two players to the left, two players to the right, no pass.