Egyptian Ratscrew (ERS)


The dealer deals out the entire deck equally to all players. Players keep their cards facedown (as a "stock") and do not look at them.


Players take turns flipping the top card from their stock into the pile in the center of the table. If the last two cards are the same value, any player may slap the pile and add the entire pile to the bottom of their stock. If the last card played and the third-to-last card played are the same value (a "sandwich") any player may also slap the pile. If a player flips a royal card (J,Q,K,A), the next player must flip a certain number of times on to the pile. If a royal card is flipped, they stop immediately and the next player gets the same challenge. Slapping rules still apply here. If no royal card is flipped and no one slaps during the player's chances, the player that played the last royal card picks up the pile. Aces give the next player 4 chances to flip a royal card, kings three, queens two, and jacks one. If a player runs out of cards, they may forfeit or remain in the game by trying to slap the pile to get cards.

If a player slaps at the wrong time, they must put three cards from the top of their stock on the bottom of the pile as punishment. If the offender has no cards, they are out of the game. Whenever one player has all of the cards, they win

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